fender super reverb

Music Theory - What is Reverb?

Understanding Reverb::::

High frequencies tend to be absorbed more easily than lower frequencies, so the longer a sound wave travels around, the "duller" its sound. Different Reverb Types

Synthesized reverb "models" the sound of a room through the use of various algorithms. Other algorithms model artificial reverbs, such as "Spring" reverbs found in guitar amps, or "Plate" reverbs that were used extensively in the 60s. Convolution reverb is a relatively new type of technology that "samples" the sound of a room. Reverb Elements

Reverb has two main elements:

This "wash" of sound is what most people associate with reverb, and is often called the reverb tail.

Algorithm. Room size. If sounds bounce around in a hall with hard surfaces, the reverb's decay tails will be bright and "hard." High and low frequency attenuation. These parameters restrict the frequencies going into the reverb. If your reverb sounds metallic, try reducing the highs starting at 4 - 8kHz. Reducing diffusion produces a sound that tends more toward individual echoes than a wash of sound. Early reflections predelay. Reverb density. Early reflections level. High frequency decay and low frequency decay. Some reverbs have separate decay times for high and low frequencies. Increasing the low frequency decay creates a bigger, more "massive" sound.

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